Paris is MY city not just because it has gorgeous architecture and one can walk from one corner of the city to another. Paris has my heart because of the way it makes me feel. Never in a thousand years …
Things to Do in Montenegro
When I sat my sights on Montenegro it was no different than how I usually end up settling on a new country. I knew virtually nothing about the country (I mean, what is research) and found out late in the …
Things To Do In Ostrava, Czech Republic – Day Trips from Ostrava
I recently shared my list of things to do if you’re visiting Ostrava for the Colours of Ostrava Music Festival, but those things make more sense if you don’t have too much time to spare in between viewing your …
Planning Portugal Holidays: 7 Places to Visit In Portugal
Portugal is one of those places I wish I would’ve spent an entire month, or longer. The weather even in November was perfect, the food was delicious, and the possibilities seemed endless. Portugal holidays should be on everyone’s bucket list …
10 Luxury Hotels In London Worth Booking
While London holds a special place in my heart, the first thing I always warn people about is the fact that it’s expensive. The English know a thing or two about luxury, so luxury hotels in London shouldn’t be a …
Milan: Residenza Delle Città
I was in an out of Milan in the blink of an eye, but I still wanted to lay my head somewhere luxurious and convenient. I also didn’t want the complete hotel feel, so Residenza Delle Citta allowed me to …
London in a Day Itinerary
I recently had a pretty long layover in London that didn’t even last a full 24 hours, so it prompted me to share a London In A Day itinerary. One day in London may be far too short for some, and …
My First Impressions of Budapest, Hungary: Things to do in Budapest
If you learn nothing else from my first impressions of Budapest, know that it is 100% okay for you to drink the toilet water. Should you choose to test this out, I support you wholeheartedly. However, I am not liable …
Europe Itinerary – 2 Weeks
My “eurotrip” was definitely one for the books. Keep in mind that it was pre-BRexit so yes, London was a part of the journey. Like Adele’s 25 was the soundtrack of my San Franciscan solo adventure, Lemonade by Beyonce was …
Three Days in Hamburg Itinerary: Fun Things to Do in Hamburg
Upon checking into my hostel in Prague, the desk attendant made the usual conversation by asking where I was coming from. When I told him Hamburg, he looked shocked and told me how he’d heard it was a gloomy and …